Farrah Albertie – Senior User Interface Designer | Currently seeking remote job opportunities

Mobile App Design

Find Food Now


This project was a design challenge, as a part of the interview process for a fintech company.


3 days


The Challenge

Studies show that reliable access to food impacts 100s of millions of people worldwide with on average 1 in 7 Americans relying on food banks and other public and government services.

Assuming technology can play a role, design a digital solution that helps food-insecure households across the country find reliable access to food.

The Solution

The U.S. spends more than 100 billion dollars on hunger relief every year. Despite this fact, 50 million Americans are still food insecure.

1 in 7 Americans rely on food banks & government assistance. This is why I developed Find Food Now, a mobile application that allows users to find free and low cost food options in their local area.

Design Process


Most people including the impoverished have a cell phone, so our mobile app is ideal for college students, the homeless, the working poor, large families and single moms like Selena Summers.


Selena Summers – Age (28)

Single mom of 2 kids, unemployed due to Covid-19.

Design Constraints

  • All currently available technology solutions are fair game

  • Accessible within rural and metropolitan areas
  • Limits human-to-human direct contact
  • Makes business sense to food producers / providers

User Interface Design


Growth Strategies

Sollic itudin


Lessons Learned

- In hindsight, I probably would have made the onboarding process a "how it works" tutorial, as opposed to having the food insecurity statistics.
- Based on feedback by the panel, I probably would have chosen a gray color, and not the blue.
- There is so much room for growth with this app. It can be monetized by partnering with food rescue companies and restaurants and grocery stores that want to sell their left over or soon to be expired food, instead of throwing it away. This will save millions of dollars in wasted food yearly.


Mayfield Furniture